Farhan Kazi

Farhan Kazi

Trademark Attorney

Farhan Kazi
London office

Farhan is a UK Chartered Trademark Attorney with more than 12 years of trademark experience in-house and in private practice including over seven years post-qualification experience. He joined the Novagraaf team in 2024.

Farhan has advised across a range of contentious and non-contentious matters for a wide range of clients both in the UK and overseas. Specific client expertise includes an American multinational automotive manufacturer, a state-owned international airlines and a global UK-based soft drinks company.

Career history

Farhan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Genetics and a Master’s degree in Management of Intellectual Property Law. He subsequently obtained a certificate in Trade Mark Law and Practice from Queen Mary University and a Professional Certificate in Trade Mark Practice from Nottingham Law School.

Work highlights

As part of his training, Farhan completed a secondment at a luxury online fashion retailer gaining hands on experience of the client’s business.   


Farhan is a member of CITMA.


  • English

Areas of expertise

  • Trademarks & domain names
  • Trademark registration and portfolio management
  • Strategy
  • Online brand protection

Industry specialisms

  • Luxury goods
  • Automotives & aviation
  • Drinks/beverages
  • Hospitality
  • Industrial machinery
  • Fashion & textiles
