Férielle Metekalerd
Trademark and Design Attorney

Paris office
Férielle Metekalerd joined Novagraaf in 2023, having previously worked in the trademark department of a French multinational company and in IP firms in Australia and Paris.
Career history
Férielle holds a Master Degree in IP Law (Université Lyon III). Since 2018, she has managed trademark and design portfolios for clients in numerous fields, including cosmetics, mass distribution, energy and construction.
She has been a Trademark and Design Attorney and a French and European representative since 2022.
- French
- English
- German
Areas of expertise
Férielle’s areas of expertise include contracts, trademarks, designs, copyright, unfair competition and domain names.
She is involved both in the creation and valuation (filing, portfolio valuation, contracts) of IP rights and in their defence (formal notice, opposition, infringement seizure, pre-litigation proceedings, negotiation, administrative litigation and anti-counterfeiting).
Industry specialisms
- Trademarks & Domain Names
- Designs
- Construction
- Cosmetics & personal care
- Energy
- Fashion & textiles
- Food & food technology
- Luxury goods
- Sports, travel & entertainment