Fabienne Maucarré
French and European trademark Attorney
Paris office
A Trademark Attorney, Fabienne Maucarré focuses on both the creation of and adding value to IP rights (filing, portfolio evaluation, contracts) and in defending them (formal notice, opposition, confiscation, pre-litigation procedures, negotiations, administrative disputes, counterfeiting).
Career history
Fabienne holds a Masters degree in EU and Competition Law from the University Carlos III Madrid and a DESS in Intellectual Property from the Université Assas Paris II. Prior to that, she followed a dual course in Law and Legal Spanish. She has been an IP consultant (trademarks and designs) and a Trademark Attorney at the EUIPO since 2009. She has been a registered French and European trademark Attorney since 2009. Fabienne started her career in IP in 2006 at Bredema and joined Novagraaf in 2009.
Fabienne is member of the CNCPI (training committee), APRAM, ECTA and MARQUES.
- French
- English
- Spanish
Areas of expertise
- Contracts
- Trademarks
- Designs and models
- Copyright
- Unfair competition
- Domain names
Industry specialisms
- Trademarks & Domain Names
- Designs