Constance Bassi NOvagraaf

Constance Bassi

French Trademark Attorney

Constance Bassi NOvagraaf
Paris office
+331 49 64 60 00

Constance Bassi manages the protection and valuation of intellectual property rights including trademark filings, portfolio management and contracts, and IP enforcement such as formal notices, oppositions, pre-litigation procedures, negotiations, administrative litigation, and anti-counterfeiting.

Career history

Constance holds a Masters degree in IP and New Technologies Law (2013) and a Specialised Masters in International Law and Management from ESCP Europe (2014). She joined the Paris Bar Training School and obtained the Certificate of Aptitude for the Legal Profession (CAPA) in 2016.

Constance began her career as a lawyer specialising in intellectual property in 2017 and originally worked for Novagraaf between January 2018 and September 2020. After working as a lawyer at another law firm, Constance rejoined Novagraaf as a Trademark Attorney in September 2023.


  • French
  • English

Areas of expertise

  • Copyright
  • Designs
  • Trademarks & Domain Names
  • IP Strategy

Industry specialisms

  • Luxury goods
  • Cosmetics & personal care
  • Fashion & textiles
