Domain Name Monitoring

As the web takes up more and more space in our daily lives, cyber threats and scams, such as hacking, phishing, fake websites, counterfeiting, etc., are becoming increasingly common. As important as it is for a company to have an online presence, it is equally important for those companies to protect themselves and their customers. This is where online brand and domain name monitoring services come into play.

Our domain name monitoring service is designed to alert trademark owners of potentially infringing domain name registrations. It identifies identical or similar matches to your brand and trademark rights that represent a risk to your business and provides guidance on how to quickly put an end to these attacks.

Why use our domain name monitoring service?

Our legal experts in domain name and internet law detect, analyze and filter the various domain name registrations, reviewing identical and similar matches and prioritising and reporting those that carry the largest risks.

These results include the date of registration, the name of the owner (if provided), information on the site to which the domain name redirects as well as an initial opinion on the advisability or necessity of taking action to stop the infringements of your rights.

Monitoring as a basis for protection

Based on the information from the monitoring, we will implement, together with your internal teams, the strategy best suited to your needs in terms of objectives and budget and carry out the necessary actions to stop the impact on your valuable brand and trademark rights.

Our service also offers monitoring of your online brand with the possibility of monitoring up to six different online content modules (apps, marketplaces, paid ads, social networks, website content and domain names).

To find out more, contact us below.
