Domain name monitoring

surveillance noms de domaineOur domain name monitoring service is specifically designed to alert you, as trademark holders, when domain names, similar to your trademark, are registered, and help you to take action in order to stop the infringement of your rights as quickly as possible.

Why use our domain name monitoring service?

Our legal experts who are experts in Domain Names and Internet detect, analyze and filter the various domain name registrations that replicate your name exactly and/or similarly, to alert you only to those deemed most risky.
These results include the registration date, the name of the holder (if mentioned), information about the website to which the domain name redirects, as well as an initial assessment of the opportunity or necessity to take action to stop the infringement of your rights.

Surveillance as a basis of protection

Based on the monitoring information, we work with your dedicated teams to implement the strategy best suited to your needs in terms of objectives and budget and take the necessary action to end the infringement. Our service also includes the possibility of monitoring your brand online, with the ability to monitor up to 6 online content modules (apps, marketplaces, paid ads, social madia, web content and domain names).

For more information, please contact us below.

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