7 steps to creating a strong brand
A strong brand won't only help you achieve your sales and marketing goals. The right brand can also strengthen your position, boost your reputation and even embody a specific lifestyle choice.
Registering your chosen name as a trademark helps safeguard brand value by providing a mechanism to act against third parties seeking to profit from your name and hard work. But, choosing and protecting a 'strong' brand name isn't always as easy as it may appear! In our latest factsheet, we share seven key steps to success.
Download the factsheet now to discover how to:
- 1. Choose a distinctive trademark
- 2. Select the right territories and classes
- 3. Conduct a trademark availability search
- 4. Protect other distinguishing branding, such as logos, shapes, packaging and slogans
- 5. Monitor your trademark rights
- 6. Take action when you need to
- 7. Maintain your brand assets
All this and more is available in the download below.