European Commission launches consolidated GI database

On 1 April, the European Commission announced the launch of eAmbrosia, a public database of registered and pending geographical indications.

The eAmbrosia database has been designed to enable easy access to geographical indications (GIs) in the EU, including their status (applied-for, published or registered), product specification and a direct link to the relevant legislation.

The database’s launch is to be carried out in three phases in 2019:

  • From 1 April: GIs for wines, replacing e-Bacchus;
  • During summer 2019: GIs for spirits, replacing e-Spirit-Drinks; and
  • End of 2019: GIs for all food products, replacing Door.

With more than 3,400 products names protected by GI registrations in the EU, this new unique database should help IP owners to conduct the necessary research and clearance searching before filing new brand names for food products, wines and spirits. It will also constitute an effective tool for the promotion and defence of these valuable rights.

For more on the EU’s system for protecting geographical indications, please read our article ‘UK announces plans to establish own GI scheme after Brexit’.

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