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Types of patent searches: Prior art and freedom to operate
Find out more about prior art and freedom to operate (FTO) searching, two types of patent searches with distinct objectives at different phases of innovation.
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Find out more about prior art and freedom to operate (FTO) searching, two types of patent searches with distinct objectives at different phases of innovation.
Does the use of a fictitious date constitute a deceptive trademark in the EU? This is the question currently before the CJEU. Read our article to find out more.
In the latest trademark battle of the UK supermarkets, Iceland has filed an application to register ‘King Prawn Ring’. Is this a genuine attempt to protect its iconic dinner party dish or simply a ‘fishy’ marketing ploy to grab headlines, asks Megan Taylor. She explains what the application reveals about trademark requirements and the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ of IP registration in the UK.
Are intellectual property and traditional knowledge friends or foes? Discover the IP mechanisms that protect folklore and indigenous knowledge this Halloween.
Are you facing challenges safeguarding IP in the fashion sector? Novagraaf joined with Questel to share essential strategies to protect your creative ideas for an on-demand webinar last month.
When creating a brand extension strategy, IP owners could learn much from the easyGroup’s approach to strategic brand development and effective IP management.
Unique to European law, trademark seniority claims provide a practical and economical tool for trademark owners looking to consolidate national registrations. Nonetheless, seniority claims should be handled with caution to avoid irreversible consequences, as Pauline Pilaudeau explains.
The Indian Patent Office has issued a FAQ document clarifying the time limits and periods covered for declarations of use relating to patents granted in the country. We summarise the key points discussed.
When creating or launching a new product to market, it’s tempting to think in terms only of patent or trademark rights. However, many products comprise a mix of different types of intellectual property, including patent, trademark, design, copyright and related rights.