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Brand development strategy to overcome legal and commercial risks
Webinars & events

[Webinar] Failure to launch? Designing a brand development strategy that overcomes legal and commercial risks

With many interrelated legal and commercial risks to negotiate and overcome, establishing an efficient and effective brand development strategy is easier said than done. Watch our recent webinar for practical insights on how to mitigate and manage legal and commercial challenges in a cost-effective and commercially focused way. 
[Webinar] Failure to launch? Designing a brand development strategy that overcomes legal and commercial risks
EasyIP trademark renewals reminder functionality
Product releases

Trademark renewal instructions pending? New ‘reminder’ functionality added to EasyIP

Trademark renewals must be instructed in a timely manner to ensure compliance with relevant deadlines and formalities. To facilitate this process for our clients, Novagraaf has added a new ‘reminder’ function for unsent instructions to the renewals module of its IP portal EasyIP.

By Novagraaf Team,
Trademark renewal instructions pending? New ‘reminder’ functionality added to EasyIP