This year's INTA Annual Meeting in Atlanta (18–22 May) promises to be packed with fascinating discussions. The sessions scheduled at the conference remind us how technology is increasingly so important for trademark practice, as Luke Portnow explains.
Countdown to INTA 2024: The business of innovation
In a recent trademark decision in the UK, the Supreme Court considered what constitutes targeting in relation to cross-border e-commerce and infringing use of UK and EU trademark rights on global online marketplaces. We outline what it means for brand owners and global businesses.
Lifestyle v Amazon: A milestone for online cross-border trademark infringement
Use of the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) is on the rise, with 2023 marking a record year for the UDRP complaint procedure. Marion Mercadier examines the data and explains what the dispute resolution policy is and when to use it.
Domain names and the UDRP complaint procedure
It cannot have escaped your attention that the Summer Olympic Games will start this 26 July in Paris, followed by the Paralympic Games on 28 August 2024. We’ve recapped the main IP dos and don’ts below to help you prepare your branding strategy for this important global event.
The IP dos and don’ts of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
The Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) has published its comprehensive annual review of online counterfeiting on marketplaces, with sites ranked in order of ‘notorious counterfeiting and piracy’. Marc-Emmanuel Mellet summarises its key findings.
Online counterfeiting: The worst marketplaces for fake and pirated goods
The Chinese Patent Office (CNIPA) has published new regulations implementing its Patent Law and new examination guidelines. Marion Bénetière outlines the main changes and their implications for companies planning to file patents in China.
Patents in China: An update
As the excitement builds for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, companies across the globe are eager to share their enthusiasm and support for the world's largest sporting event. But, is it possible to do that legally if you are not an official sponsor of the Games?
[Webinar] On your marks: How to face the IP challenges of the 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games
Who is liable for the sale of counterfeit goods on e-commerce platforms, such as online marketplaces? In our 14 November webinar, our experts took a deep dive into EU case law on liability for the sale of counterfeit goods online and share monitoring and enforcement best practices for online marketplace brand protection.
[Webinar] Online marketplace brand protection: Who is liable for the sale of counterfeit goods?
Amazon is to become the first online marketplace to join the IP Enforcement Portal (IPEP), a centralised platform created by EUIPO to exchange information related to IP enforcement.
Amazon joins the EUIPO IP Enforcement Portal
Patents, trademarks, designs and other forms of intellectual property (IP) play a key role in the success of all modern businesses.
Capturing value: IP as a driver for investment
From 1 November 2023, recipients of EPO communications will no longer be able to benefit from the additional 10-day response period (known as the EPO "10-day rule”). Clémence de Masfrand outlines the implications.
End of the EPO "10-day rule"
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate images, text, video and music is causing quite a stir in the creative and legal world. Valerie Annan provides an overview of recent generative AI and copyright disputes and asks what might happen next.
Generative AI and copyright: The story so far