News & opinion
Does including a fictitious date create a deceptive trademark?
Does the use of a fictitious date constitute a deceptive trademark in the EU? This is the question currently before the CJEU. Read our article to find out more.
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Does the use of a fictitious date constitute a deceptive trademark in the EU? This is the question currently before the CJEU. Read our article to find out more.
Who is liable for the sale of counterfeit goods on e-commerce platforms, such as online marketplaces? In our 14 November webinar, our experts took a deep dive into EU case law on liability for the sale of counterfeit goods online and share monitoring and enforcement best practices for online marketplace brand protection.
The Second Board of Appeal of the European IP Office (EUIPO) recently issued a decision confirming the refusal to register an emoji trademark representing ‘I Love You’. The EUIPO had refused to register the pictogram on the basis that it was unable to fulfil the essential function of a trademark, namely to indicate the origin of the products and/or services of a company.
Disclosing an invention before filing a patent, whether by accident or design, may lead to any subsequent patent application being rejected. Adrien Metivet sets out the dangers and consequences of uncontrolled invention disclosure.
In December 2022, the EU General Court discussed the assessment of the likelihood of confusion in the context of the dispute between the holders of the ‘Well and Well’ and ‘WellBe Pharmaceuticals’ trademarks. Florence Chapin sets out its conclusions
It’s possible to protect the shape of a new product through trademark, design and copyright law. However, in reality, design law and copyright are generally the most applicable.
In our 7 March webinar on IP and packaging, our experts explained how to use trademarks, designs and copyright to protect packaging visuals and messaging, and tackle IP infringement and counterfeiting.
From producer to grape variety, vintage and alcohol level, wine labels can tell you a lot about the wine you are about to drink. Depending on the origin of the wine, certain mandatory wine labelling requirements apply.
Whether you choose to file a patent application or keep a new invention secret, it’s crucial to take steps to minimise the risks of disclosure. Rose-Marie Ehanno explains how to keep patentable inventions confidential.
Must a compound be shown to be suitable for each disease for first medical use claims to be sufficiently disclosed in applications for European patents, asks Matthieu Boulard.
On 15 September 2022, our experts discussed best practices for protecting 'non-traditional' trademarks in an increasingly innovative world. Register for our webinar recording to find out more.